
Saturday, January 25, 2014

It's Raj!

Hello, people.

So yeah. After a long time of derping around, I decided to move my fashion blog here. I'd still update my tumblr though. Let us start with the introductions. My name is Raj. I won't give out my last name for now. Only time will tell. Ehehe~ I am sixteen years old and going to be 17 this March 24, 2014. I'm from the Philippines and I am also a college freshman, with the course of Accountancy. Yup, my course is a challenging one but don't worry, I'll try to update this blog whenever I have the time. I have a lot of hobbies. I like watching anime, reading manga, writing poems, cosplaying, taking photographs, reading history books and novels, fangirling over my fandoms and well, erm slack off from schoolwork. But I cannot go YOLO towards my studies. The girl's gotta pass, you know! xD

I am into music. Actually, I don't care what language or what genre the music is, as long as I like it, I'm okay. Though I have my faves too. I'm into KPOP, JPOP, Eurovision songs, OPM, and of course, Fall Out Boy! I'm a big fan of Fall Out Boy. I mean, it's the awesome-est band ever formed. Okay, let us lay down my F.O.B fangirling first. 

I love fashion. To put it simply, I like expressing myself through my clothes, shoes and accessories. Most of the time, I don't care about what other people think about what I'm wearing. Hey, at least, my clothes makes me comfortable without looking too plain. And I rarely wear makeup and if I do, it's usually only face powder, lip balm, and eye liner. I only wear full-blast makeup during cosplay or if there's an important event like oral defense for the research paper. 

My fashion is mostly based on East Asian fashion. Usually, Ulzzang fashion. There are times I try to incorporate my style with what's hot in the trends right now. 

So yeah, I hope you'll enjoy your time in this blog of mine. I hope you enjoy my misadventures along with my trusty 1.3 MP cellphone camera and 12MP digital camera. Well, hey, misadventures can make life fun, you know. 

Take care, bye-bye!
