
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Misadventure Number Eight: Summer Blues

Hello, my dear readers!

Sorry if there weren't much updates. My summer vacation just began and I wasn't able to go out that much, so yeah, no fashion shenanigans. But so far, I will just update you guys about my life as a couch potato, anime fangirl and other things. I was little depressed with my grade this semester since I know I passed but my best wasn't enough. I have summer classes too since it's compulsary for my course. It was my birthday last March 24, 2014. I am seventeen now. One more year and I'm going to be eighteen. I don't want to grow old yet. xD

As you can see guys, I have been waiting this anime for ages! It's going to be released this April 12 and I am so excited especially now, I have been in the said fandom since I was in my junior year in high school. Maybe you can recognize these two for my blog's background. 

By the way, my mom ordered a pair of flats from Natasha for me. My new flats looked so awesome and I love its design. I completely adored its design since it's cute and can really pop out from a plain outfit. I will someday post a picture of me wearing it. 

So adorable isn't it? Sorry for the derpy quality and the messiness of my room. So lazy lol.  I used my aunt''s iPAD here. She let me borrow her iPAD for one and a half month and I will let her borrow my laptop for the same amount of time. She went to Laguna for her research. 

And by the way, look at what my aunts got me from my birthday. 

Oh yesss! A gift card worth 500PHP! I can shop for new shoes when the mall declares a sale. xD I love sales. I get awesome items at a student-friendly price. I really need a new pair of rubber shoes for my Physical Education class since my old one is falling apart. So sad. And look at that sweet birthday message <3 Thanks to my awesome aunties. I am one spoiled child towards my aunts. -laughs-

Well, that's all for now. Sorry if I have bored you, guys. I will be back in posting my fashion misadventures once again when my summer semester starts. Toodle-too~

Love lots,


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